Sanctuary Renovation Survey Results

Thank you to all who participated in the survey held during the weekends of Jan. 28/29 and Feb. 4/5, 2023. Of the 441 adults present (averaged between the two weekends), 143 people (32%) returned a survey (statisticians disagree on what percentage makes a survey statistically valid, but 32% is in the middle of the range of validity). The results of the survey are below.

50-52% of respondents “support” updates to the Greenleaf and Wrightstown sanctuaries;
29-30% of respondents are “fine either way;”
15-18% of respondents “do not support” updates.

Within the comments section of the survey, some common themes emerged:
- An affection for the Risen Jesus as a source of hope and a reason to have faith
- An affection for the Crucifixion as the sign of God’s love for us
- A concern that the Askeaton well be resolved as a top priority, and that other expenses be paid first
- Seeing the updates as unnecessary or irrelevant
- Interest in the installation of a communion rail
- A preference that the parish save its money for a new church

As is to be expected, people’s thoughts are quite varied. This is okay and can serve as jumping off points for ongoing conversation and catechesis about the Catholic faith. Watch for more to come on that.

Next steps: The survey results will be shared with Bishop, who will give his overall thoughts and suggestions. While the renovation renditions and survey are handled on the parish level, Bishop is necessarily involved when it comes to accessing where we’re at. He may request more detailed information, or an accounting of our finances, or whatever he needs in order to approve or disapprove the projects. An update will be given when it’s available.

Greenleaf Sanctuary Renovation

Wrightstown Sanctuary Renovation