2024 Picnic Preparations

Have you ever wondered how the annual Parish Picnic comes together?  Actually, the preparations for our picnic are handled by a large group of wonderful volunteers!  These volunteers make up the Picnic Committee; each volunteer on the committee is the Chairperson of his or her particular aspect of the picnic.  And these Chairpersons are assisted and coordinated by the Overall Picnic Chairperson.

Below is a list of the various areas of the annual Parish Picnic and the name of the Chairperson(s):

Overall Picnic Chairs....... Diane Roundy & Anne Gerrits
Bar/Beverage....... Tony Wells & Luke Kabat
Food-Burgers/Brats.......Karmen Lemke
Booyah.......John Vanden Wymelenberg
Silent Auction.......Peggy Fritsch
Oral Auction.......Diane Roundy
Cash Raffle......Sharon Gerrits
Home Makeover Raffle.......Sharon Gerrits
50/50 Raffle.......Barb Lamers
Kids Games.......Laura Heimerl
Outdoor Mass.......Theresa Reynders
Site Prep.......Pete Rotzenberg
Advertising.......Diane Roundy/Kyle Strebel
Traffic & Parking.......Mark Uitenbroek
Day of Picnic Finances.......Ann Vanden Wymelenberg
Popcorn/Ice Cream.......Susan Klister

Church Picnic - August 25

Greenleaf Fireman's Park

10:00 a.m. - Outdoor Mass with music by Witness (Bring your own lawn chairs).

11:00 a.m. - Food including brats, hamburgers, hot dogs, booyah, desserts

1:00 p.m. - Oral Auction

12:00-4:00-Silent auction, kids games, raffles

How can you help?

  • Encourage your friends to attend.
  • Volunteer. Click on the Volunteer link.
  • Make a dessert for the dessert table.
  • Provide a Cash Donation - to help us purchase ingredients for the Booyah, prizes for the children's games and auction items.
  • Turn in your raffle tickets (sold or unsold).
  • Donate clean ice cream buckets for the booyah.

Our Home Makeover Cash Raffle is back! You will have a chance to win a $7000 Home Makeover or $5,000 in cash. Your choice. Tickets are $50.00 and can be purchased after mass or at the church office.  There will only be 325 tickets sold.


Donation Slip - please use when donating an item: