2024 Picnic Preparations

Have you ever wondered how the annual Parish Picnic comes together?  Actually, the preparations for our picnic are handled by a large group of wonderful volunteers!  These volunteers make up the Picnic Committee; each volunteer on the committee is the Chairperson of his or her particular aspect of the picnic.  And these Chairpersons are assisted and coordinated by the Overall Picnic Chairperson.

Below is a list of the various areas of the annual Parish Picnic and the name of the Chairperson(s):

Overall Picnic Chairs....... Diane Roundy & Anne Gerrits
Bar/Beverage....... Tony Wells & Luke Kabat
Food-Burgers/Brats.......Karmen Lemke
Booyah.......John Vanden Wymelenberg
Silent Auction.......Peggy Fritsch
Oral Auction.......Diane Roundy
Cash Raffle......Sharon Gerrits
Home Makeover Raffle.......Sharon Gerrits
50/50 Raffle.......Barb Lamers
Kids Games.......Laura Heimerl
Outdoor Mass.......Theresa Reynders
Site Prep.......Pete Rotzenberg
Advertising.......Diane Roundy/Kyle Strebel
Traffic & Parking.......Mark Uitenbrock
Day of Picnic Finances.......Ann Vanden Wymelenberg
Popcorn/Ice Cream.......Susan Klister

Lead/Chairperson Tasks

Below you'll find an overview of what each Lead/Chairperson on the Picnic Committee is responsible for.
Questions? Contact Kyle Strebel at the Parish Office (opsmgr@stclareagw.org or 920-864-2550) or Elaina Koltz at the Parish Office (office@stclareagw.org or 920-864-2550).

Overall Picnic Chair
Point Contact Person
Set up meetings (Monthly Meetings beginning in June, August every 2 weeks)
Facilitate Communication with committees
Oversee Picnic Schedule
Oversee Pre-Picnic Day Needs (Money Bags, Cash, Cash Boxes etc…)
Oversee Picnic Set Up
Oversee Cash Money Handling Day of Picnic

Home Makeover Raffle
Contact Vendor
Determine Contribution
Order Raffle Tickets
Ticket Sales Volunteers
Oversee Raffle Day Of Picnic

Cash Raffle
Update License Info (provided by Parish Office)
Order Tickets
Fill Picnic Envelope
Tickets - need volunteers
Send out letter about tickets and donations
Make an announcement at mass
Set up drop box
Oversee Raffle Day of Picnic

Apparel Booth
Oversee ordering of merchandise to sell (St Clare Swag)
Oversee Booth Day of Picnic

Facilitate procurement of all foods
Ensure all equipment is rented or requested and at event
Set Up for day of all things food related
Clean Up Food Area day of
Volunteers also utilize parish center day after (dishwasher)

Volunteer Sign-Up
Create Sign-Up Genius with number of volunteers needed for each area

Set up/Take Down
Order Golf Carts
Set Up Friday and Saturday Prior to Picnic (Picnic Tables, Signs, Trash Cans, etc…
Take Down day of picnic (Picnic Tables, Signs, Empty Trash Cans, etc…)

Money Handling
Must Be a Parishioner

Facilitate All Marketing (Yard Signs, Posters, Newspaper Ads, etc…)