You will need to choose 6 pieces of music for the funeral…

Choose 3 of the following songs (Entrance, Offertory, Recessional)
Age to Age
Alleluia No. 1
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise
Amazing Grace
Be Not Afraid
Be Thou My Vision
Dwellers in the Holy City
Eye Has Not Seen
Go In Peace
Here I Am, Lord
How Great Thou Art
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Immaculate Mary
In Christ Alone
Irish Blessing
It Is Well With My Soul
Jerusalem, My Happy Home
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Now Thank We All Our God
On Eagle’s Wings
Only A Shadow
Prayer of St. Francis
Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place
I Will Be the Vine
You Are Near

Choose 1 of these Psalms
Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd
Psalm 23: Though I Walk in the Valley of Darkness
Psalm 25: To You, O Lord, I Lift My Soul

Psalm 122: Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord
Psalm 130: With the Lord There Is Mercy

Choose 1 Communion song
Alleluia Sing to Jesus!
Bread of Angels
One Bread, One Body
Eat This Bread
I Am the Bread of Life
Lord, Who at Your First Eucharist
O Sacrament Most Holy
One Love Released
Panis Angelicus/Holy and Living Bread
Shepherd of Souls
The Supper of the Lord
This is Jesus
Where Two or Three Are Gathered
Behold the Lamb
Gift of Finest Wheat

Choose 1 of these “Songs of Farewell”
O Loving God (Song of Farewell)
Song of Farewell (E. Sands)
Song of Farewell (Old 100th)