Planning a Funeral Mass
When you meet with Father or Deacon to plan the Funeral Mass, you’ll be asked to consider: Scripture readings, music selections, and any family involvement. The following information and links will be used; please feel free to review the readings, music, and other options prior to your meeting to plan the Funeral Mass.
Choosing Scripture Readings
For a Catholic Funeral Mass, there are three Scripture readings. Using the links below, please choose: 1 Old Testament Reading, 1 New Testament Reading, and 1 Gospel Reading.
Choosing Music
For a Catholic Funeral Mass, music selections are needed for: (1) the Entrance Procession, (2) the Psalm, (3) the Offertory, (4) Communion, (5) the Song of Commendation, and (6) the Recessional.
Family Involvement
Even though family members are often grieving the loss of a loved one, there are some who might like to take up a role in the Funeral Mass. Here are opportunities for family involvement:
A person to give a eulogy or offer some words of remembrance
Pallbearers (those who will accompany the casket)
Those who will place the white pall over the casket at the start of Mass
A reader for the Old Testament reading
A reader for the New Testament reading
One to five/six people to read the Intercessory Prayers
Two or three people to present the gifts of bread and wine at the Offertory.