Confirmed Living Now

Living the life of a confirmed Catholic doesn’t suddenly begin with Confirmation; it begins before the sacrament is received (the sacrament strengthens what a person is already doing and compels them to go further). Students are expected to take on, over the course of their time in the program, an attitude of “living confirmed life” as a sign that they’re truly desiring to be confirmed.

Students are encouraged to consider the question: How would you describe a person who is living the faith? What does a “practicing Catholic” do in his or her life?

Being a confirmed, practicing "looks like" something.

Some outward signs of confirmed living include (for you and your Sponsor):

1. Observing the five BASIC precepts of the Roman Catholic Church:

- Attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation, and rest from servile labor.

- Confess your sins at least once a year.

- Receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season.

- Observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church.

- Help provide for the needs of the Church.


2. Giving of your time and talents to your parish community:

- Serve as a good example to others

- Have a good relationship with the Catholic Church and dialogue with its teachings and wisdom in order to learn

- What gifts, talents, and abilities has God given me?

- Am I giving of my giftedness for the benefit of others (and for my own personal growth)?


3. Making connections between the Catholic faith and areas of life, such as:

- Marriage, Relationships, and Friendships

- Work, Career

- The Parish community, neighbors

- College/school, Knowledge, and Learning

- Communal worship and individual prayer

- Physical fitness, Sports, and Sportsmanship

- Sexuality and the body

- Older and younger generations

- Spiritual fitness

- The Arts and Creativity

- Emotional fitness

- The Environment

- Personal Finance

- Conflict Resolution


There are some basic answers to how a faithful Catholic approaches each of these areas of life; however, every individual needs to work through what that looks like for him or her. “Confirmed living” is about each disciple of Jesus Christ learning to integrate and interweave his/her faith with his/her life, so that his/her becomes truly a life “of faith.”